
目前显示的是 二月, 2023的博文

W4 :Dear Mom and Dad -Ho Yong Jun_2102505

      Sorry on all the bad things i had ever done in the past . when i first saw the title given for this blog , the first thought in my mind is all the bad things i had ever done to you all .I remember fighting with you guys , scolding you guys , and not appreciate of what you all have done . Dad , i can still remember u staying alone in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore , working alone in the city , and we only met once or twice a month , all of this is just to gave our family a better life.And mom , u sacrifice your time , fetching me everyday from school and tuition , cooking for us everyday ,even when u get scold by us and we let you down , u still never abandoned us and leave us alone , Thank you mom and dad.     Now we are all living at different places , dad are working at singapore ,i am studying at Kuala Lumpur and Mom is staying at our home in Johor Bahru .To be honest , i miss you all , we didnt see each other for a while since Chinese New Year , hope you a...

W2 : Dear Past Self -Ho Yong Jun_2102505

  Dear past self ,      Do you want to hear about the story of yourself now? No, you wouldn't want to hear about it, because you didn't live the life that you want to. I don't really remember what I used to imagine for my future and how it would look like, but I’m sure it is not how my life right now looks like. My life now may look good, I have friends with me, experiencing a new life in a new city, living by my own, having stable income every month. But I always feel lonely in this city, because it makes me feel so unfamiliar, my family and my friends are not with me here, and yes, after so many years I am still single. I am so lost right now, I don’t know what the meaning of my life is, and what am I doing here in this city. Sometimes I questions myself is it a correct choice for me to study here, would my life now be better and more interesting if I choose to study at my hometown or I didn’t work for a year before I continue my study.      B...